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The Capital Daily Candidate Database

Get to know your Greater Victoria municipal election candidates

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The Capital Daily Candidate Database

Get to know your Greater Victoria municipal election candidates

Photo: James MacDonald / Capital Daily
Photo: James MacDonald / Capital Daily
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The Capital Daily Candidate Database

Get to know your Greater Victoria municipal election candidates

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The Capital Daily Candidate Database
Photo: James MacDonald / Capital Daily

Publisher’s note: Capital Daily has been reaching out to local candidates about our survey, both directly and over social media over the past month. A majority have filled it out, but we have yet to receive responses from several campaigns.

We will continue to update the database with candidate responses as we receive them. 

Welcome to Capital Daily’s 2022 municipal election database!

We have asked candidates running for mayor and council seats across Greater Victoria to contribute to this database by providing basic information about themselves, and outline their thoughts on local issues, from policing to public consultation.

The aim of this database is to provide you with a tool to get to know the candidates running to represent you—such as their background, whether they own property or live in the jurisdiction they are running to represent—and get an idea of what they would bring to the council table, if elected.

How to use it

We’ve broken the database down into three searchable sections, each of which contains a search bar where you can enter the name of a particular candidate or look up a specific municipality. You can also search for all candidates running to be mayor across the region.

In the first section—The Basics—you’ll find personal information about candidates, such as their age, annual household income, whether they rent or own property, and how they get around.

The Substance section features longer answers from candidates about the most pressing issues they see affecting their community and how they would tackle them, if elected. We also provided prompts for candidates to offer their thoughts on the state of policing, the needs of families and young people and what reconciliation means at the local level.

In the Lightning Round, we asked candidates to provide yes or no answers on simple questions, such as whether there is adequate local parking, if street safety is a significant issue and whether enough public consultation is being conducted. While we recognize many of these issues are not black and white—and therefore capturing the nuance of any candidate’s stance is not possible with a simple “yes” or “no”—our aim is to provide some basic context about where candidates stand on some of the big issues. Think of it as a starting point for discussion and further questions, rather than a definitive answer to often complex issues. Some candidates were uncomfortable answering yes or no to some of these questions and so their responses have been left blank.

Scroll right to find the full set of answers in each category.

Candidate responses have been sparingly formatted for consistency and readability.

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