

Government hands back portion of E&N rail land to Snaw-Naw-As First Nation

By Zoë Ducklow
March 14, 2023

As court deadline arrives, province and feds give back disputed land and fund more consultation


101-year-old Sidney-Anacortes ferry will not return until 2030

By Cameron Welch
March 1, 2023

Century-old international route is not expected to resume service for seven years


OPINION: How to pull out of Vancouver Island’s intercity ‘death spiral’

Denis Agar
January 14, 2023

A transportation planner argues that potential network benefits are ignored at our peril


UVic denies allegations of negligence in fatal Bamfield bus crash

By Nina Grossman
January 7, 2023

Crash survivors face long road ahead, lawyer says


A ‘kick to the stomach’: family of teen killed in a crosswalk outraged by driver’s plan to plead not guilty

By Nina Grossman
January 5, 2023

The driver revealed in court that she is planning to dispute the charge, and believes the incident was “a terrible, terrible accident,” her lawyer says.


Lower residential speeds coming to Victoria

By Tori Marlan
July 11, 2022

Council votes to have staff change traffic bylaw to make more streets 30km/h


Here are the 15 most dangerous intersections in Greater Victoria

By Jimmy Thomson
July 7, 2022

The intersections were home to a combined 1,527 crashes that resulted in injuries or deaths over four years