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Based on facts either observed and verified firsthand by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

Company behind cancelled Taylor Swift and ABBA events says venues were never confirmed

The events were cancelled last minute with little explanation to ticket holders

Sarah Madsen
August 31, 2023
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Based on facts either observed and verified firsthand by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

Company behind cancelled Taylor Swift and ABBA events says venues were never confirmed

The events were cancelled last minute with little explanation to ticket holders

Sarah Madsen
Aug 31, 2023
Photo: Hidden Media Network
Photo: Hidden Media Network
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Based on facts either observed and verified firsthand by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

Company behind cancelled Taylor Swift and ABBA events says venues were never confirmed

The events were cancelled last minute with little explanation to ticket holders

Sarah Madsen
August 31, 2023
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Company behind cancelled Taylor Swift and ABBA events says venues were never confirmed

The company behind two well-publicized, local mega-star-related events—an ABBA drag brunch and a Taylor Swift themed experience—that mysteriously didn’t happen last weekend says it scrubbed the shows because there wasn’t enough interest.

“Due to low ticket sales the event was cancelled and as such, no venue was confirmed,” Shelley Allan, a spokesperson with Hidden Media Network wrote in an email. 

Excited ticket holders were disappointed to find out the shows weren’t taking place, while management at the hosting venue say they only became aware of the events when people began calling for more information.  

“I knew nothing about it,” said Conor Fleck, co-owner of The Loft Pub at the Day’s Inn on Gorge Road East.

“Nowhere it mentioned the hotel either, just had the address 229 [Gorge Road East], which I don’t even think mentioned the hotel’s name,” says Fleck.

Hidden Media Network, which according to its website purports to “offer only the best in live experiences and events,” issued a statement in which it blamed the venue mixup on an “internal error.”

It said a new team member “accidentally put potential venues in place of confirmed venues, which meant that events were sent to the media with the wrong addresses,” Allan wrote in the statement. 

In a subsequent email Allan said Hidden Media Network did not make contact with the Day’s Inn due to low ticket sales.

Allan said that all customers were sent both an email and SMS advising that the Taylor Swift event slated for Aug. 27 was postponed until Oct. 28, and the ABBA event, scheduled for Aug. 26 was cancelled and being moved to a later date.

On the Taylor Swift event’s updated page, the venue is listed as a “secret location.”

Allan provided Capital Daily with screenshots of the email that she said was sent to ABBA ticket holders. The message did not indicate that the event had been postponed or rescheduled. When pressed for further clarification, Allan did not explain whether the ABBA event was cancelled or postponed. 

The Loft Pub at Days Inn Hotel. Photo: Wyndham Hotels

Email attachments provided by the company indicated it contacted nine people who bought tickets to the Taylor Swift event and six others who were interested in the ABBA event.

“Realistically, three or four people called or came by, said the Loft’s Fleck. “There was not a lot of activity. I kind of expected to see some people.” 

Vivian Esplen told CHEK that she bought tickets for the Taylor Swift event for her and her granddaughters. But when they got to the Days Inn on Sunday, they were told no such event was happening at the hotel. 

CHEK reported a woman who had bought tickets for the ABBA event said she was told by Hidden Media Network the event had been cancelled Sunday night, a day after the event had been scheduled.   

Customers can complete a Google Form by contacting to either have their tickets transferred to another event or to be issued a refund.

Hidden Media Network’s upcoming events in Victoria include Karen's Diner On Tour, The Burton Bar, Brick Burger, or The Wizard's Den

Hidden Media Network is advertising another Taylor Swift-themed event, listed as taking place Oct. 31 on Quadra, with as of yet, no address.

Article Author's Profile Picture
Sarah Madsen
Editorial intern

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