Greater Victoria builders say they can’t find workers to build new homes, because they can’t find homes for the workers  - Capital Daily
Greater Victoria builders say they can’t find workers to build new homes, because they can’t find homes for the workers - Capital Daily

The ‘vicious circle’ has deepened a persistent worker shortage during a period of record demand. Part seven of our labour series, Pay Check

Workers are being priced out of Victoria  - Capital Daily
Workers are being priced out of Victoria - Capital Daily

What happens when a city becomes too expensive for its labour force? Part two in our series, Pay Check

Cancelled ferry sailings are a symptom of a longstanding problem in the marine industry. It’s only going to get worse.  - Capital Daily
Cancelled ferry sailings are a symptom of a longstanding problem in the marine industry. It’s only going to get worse. - Capital Daily

Worker shortages are now endemic in the industry—but warnings started decades ago Part five of our series, Pay Check

It's been a good season for snow at Mount Washington—but not for workers  - Capital Daily
It's been a good season for snow at Mount Washington—but not for workers - Capital Daily

Mount Washington managers are loading lifts and bussing tables due to ongoing staff shortage. Part 4 of our series, Pay Check

What does Victoria's labour shortage look like?  - Capital Daily
What does Victoria's labour shortage look like? - Capital Daily

Research predicts BC will have enough workers in the next 10 years—but tell that to businesses desperate for workers. We look at the data. First in our new series, Pay Check

'On the verge of mental and physical breakdown': why a growing number of Victoria nurses are quitting  - Capital Daily
'On the verge of mental and physical breakdown': why a growing number of Victoria nurses are quitting - Capital Daily

Victoria nurses cite short staffing, payroll issues, abuse as reasons for leaving the industry. Part 3 of our labour series, Pay Check

Behind the counter: how some Victoria restaurants are beating the labour shortage  - Capital Daily
Behind the counter: how some Victoria restaurants are beating the labour shortage - Capital Daily

The industry-wide labour shortage is putting more power in the hands of the employees, and the restaurants that adapt are surviving. Part six of our labour series, Pay Check

BC Transit has a driver shortage. Here's what it means for your bus commute.  - Capital Daily
BC Transit has a driver shortage. Here's what it means for your bus commute. - Capital Daily

The transit service provider says it's working to recruit new operators

Rebecca Mersereau can’t afford to live the life she wants in Saanich  - Capital Daily
Rebecca Mersereau can’t afford to live the life she wants in Saanich - Capital Daily

The one-term Saanich councillor won’t be seeking re-election and plans to eventually leave the province due to the cost of living

Priced out: Victorians wait for housing market to cool  - Capital Daily
Priced out: Victorians wait for housing market to cool - Capital Daily

Prices are dropping, but not as quickly as in other Canadian cities