

Summer is the season for worrisome spikes in some bacteria

Langford Lake along with Esquimalt Gorge Park showing sporadic elevated levels of fecal bacteria


Feds urged to use emergency order to save endangered orcas

Southern residents, dependent on dwindling Chinook salmon for food, are expected to face a seven-fold increase in TMX tanker traffic through their critical habitat in the Salish Sea when the expanded pipeline reaches peak capacity this summer.


UVic researchers aim to regrow kelp forests

Robyn Bell
June 18, 2024

A kelp nursery in Bamfield could be growing the next Salish Sea kelp forest


Canada commits to new protections for Southern Resident killer whales

Robyn Bell
June 3, 2024

Sanctuary zones, fishing bans, and speed reductions all part of Monday's announcement.


Your guide to Ocean Week Victoria 2024 events

Robyn Bell
May 30, 2024

Victoria will host 30+ ocean-themed events over the eight-day fest


New study shows accelerating decline in Southern Resident orca population

Robyn Bell
April 22, 2024

The population could decline by one whale each year, before hurtling toward extinction.


Satellites track the tiny silver fish hugely important to marine life

UVic researchers are tracking populations around the Island to understand spawning patterns


DFO’s new monitoring program proves there’s no free lunch for our resident orcas

Mark Brennae
January 19, 2024

“It’s appalling that we’re wasting this much salmon,” Sydney Dixon, a marine specialist at Pacific Wild, tells Capital Daily.