
Tristin Hopper and Harley Gordon


Fighting COVID-19 with tobacco: How Vancouver Island research is taking on the pandemic

Home coronavirus tests, an antivirus door handle coating and forensic work into when the earliest cases were among us


How BC's COVID-19 Response Stacks Up Against the Rest of the World

By Western standards, the response has been a miracle; by Pacific Rim standards, it’s been a disaster


The Toll of COVID-19: Who the Pandemic Has Killed and Where

Through a combination of public health policy and luck, BC is poised to lose only a fraction of what was expected


Here’s How Many Vancouver Islanders Might Truly Have COVID-19

By some estimates, up to 100,000 BCers could be hidden survivors of COVID-19


BC Is Facing Down COVID-19 Better Than Almost Anyone. Here's Why.

Considering how slow Canada was to respond, BC has flattened its curve with the best of them


Why BC Might Be Winning The Battle Against COVID-19

More will die and many more will get sick, but here are the numbers to show that BC hospitals will be able to hold off the tide until the pandemic passes


BC Is Flattening The Curve

Although the data is preliminary, Friday was the first ray of hope that BC could avoid the fate of Italy


COVID-19 By The Numbers: How And Where The Pandemic Has Hit Us Thus Far

How BC and Vancouver Island's fight against coronavirus stands against the rest of the world